Gene W. Baade,  Books on the West

Gene W. Baade, Books on the West

824 Lynnwood Ave NE
Renton, WA, U.S.A. 98056

+1 425-271-6481

Librería en AbeBooks desde 7 de septiembre de 2001

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Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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Sobre este vendedor

VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT For direct purchases contact us at (425) 271-6481 or email We accept personal checks & Paypal. From time to time we produce catalogues of primarily non-fiction books on the American and Canadian West which are available on our website or by request. We also carry a stock of unusual titles, and modern fiction & non-fiction. Since 1988 our outfit has been noted for quality customer service & protective packaging for shipment. Oh, by the way, the guy on the left is one of our happy customers!

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Condiciones de venta

VISIT OUR WEBSITE at PROSPECTIVE BUYERS of individual books or groups of books MAY CONTACT Gene W. Baade Books on the West for direct purchases (Paypal, check, money order) at (425) 271-6481, or email Shipping via USPS media mail: $4.99 first book, $2.50 each additional book. Priority mail: Regular octavo size book $12.65 first book; each additional will be calculated. Oversized books will require additional shipping charge. UPS shipping available & charge...

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Condiciones de envío

Shipping via USPS media mail: $4.99 first book, $2.50 each additional book. Priority mail: Regular octavo size book $12.65 first book; each additional will be calculated. Oversized books will be calculated according to weight of package & zone to be shipped to. UPS shipping available & charges will vary according to weight & other factors. In isolated cases, we may request additional shipping remuneration from the buyer to cover insurance for loss or damage on expensive items. That said, we package very carefully to protect the book or product. PROSPECTIVE BUYERS of individual books or groups of books may contact Gene W. Baade Books on the West FOR DIRECT PURCHASES (Paypal, check, money order) at (425) 271-6481, or email VISIT OUR WEBSITE at