For the Love of Used Books

For the Love of Used Books

Bristol, PA, U.S.A.

Librería en AbeBooks desde 7 de octubre de 2020

Valoración del vendedor:

Valoración 4 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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Información detallada sobre el vendedor

Please browse the books I have for sale by checking out the different Catalogs of books or by clicking "View this Seller's Items" or by searching the author/title name. I hope you find a "new for you" book to enjoy! ------------------------------------- ABOUT ME & MY STORE: My name is Gretchen, and I love books! I especially love Used Books, because they are often so much more affordable than buying a new book. I also have Vintage/Rare Books for sale! My goal is to use this small online store to help launch a Brick and Mortars Used Bookstore (and coffee shop) one day. So your purchase helps support a small business!

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Condiciones de venta

Company Name: For the Love of Used Books
Address: Philadelphia, PA 19107

Condiciones de envío

Shipping Cost for 1st Book: $3.45 and then ONLY $0.55 extra for every book after that! So save on shipping by buying more books from my store!

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